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Australian Unity

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

International Women’s Day 2023

Did you know that women comprise more than half of Australian Unity's Board? We also have a female Chair and Deputy Chair, and over 65% of all our leader-level roles are held by women

There aren’t many Australian organisations that can claim these credentials! 

To celebrate and recognise International Women's Day, Australian Unity held a special panel event, featuring our female board directors: Chair Lisa Chung AM, Deputy Chair Melinda Cilento, Su McCluskey, Lucinda Brogden AM and Dr Helen Nott. 

The panel discussed career progression, inclusive and diverse workplaces, and why having women on boards matters. We are proud of the progress we have made getting women into leadership roles. 

We will continue to ensure our female workforce feels valued and respected, and our company is a place where they can grow their careers.