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Sydney Law School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
J.P. Morgan has provided me with an outstanding start to a career in investment banking. I see myself being continually inspired and learning from the people around me.

David Xu

  • Graduate stories

Dominic Campbell

  • Day in the life

Dr Dadar Ahmadi-Pirshahid

The government has announced changes to the Security of Critical Infrastructure (SOCI) legislation. I am working to build a reputation for having SOCI expertise so I write up a short piece providing some insight on the proposed changes.
  • Day in the life

Elpitha Stavropoulos

Elpitha Stavropoulos studied ​a Bachelor of Political, Economic and Social Sciences ​at the University of Sydney, and is now a Graduate Analyst at APRA.
  • Career Mentors
Emma Birch studied Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Science – Geology & Geophysics at the University of Sydney and is now the Head of Asset Management Program Management Office at Hydro Tasmania.

Emma Birch

  • Graduate stories
I work with people from different parts of the world, including Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Korea and South East Asia. Being the embodiment of ‘multicultural’, this is something that I value and find very exciting to be able to do.

Fahima Ahmad

  • Graduate stories
I love being able to spend all day in Excel with headphones on, and then the next day is in a workshop with 10 people nutting out an issue. I also enjoy the staff travel benefits.

Felix van den Broek Best

  • Graduate stories
Frances Zewe– Graduate in Veterinary and Export Meat Branch Studied at the University of Sydney, completed a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2020.

Frances Zewe