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Sydney Law School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories

Will Longman

  • Graduate stories
I think the great part about consulting is that people from any background are able to be successful in the role since problem-solving is a universal skill for any career.

William Zhang

  • Graduate stories
The best thing about my job is that I am empowered to do work that is actually meaningful, both to Mastercard and for my personal growth.

Winnie Jiang

  • Day in the life

Yasmin Dowla

I’m enjoying the work and one of my key projects is developing a new program... The aim of this is to provide students with a good experience working in aged care so that they are more likely to return to the sector after they graduate.
  • Graduate stories
If those opportunities pop up, even if you don’t think you’re ready, never turn them down.

Yazmin Macdessi