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Sydney Law School Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Rachel Jefferson

Morning coffees are a great chance to catch up with friends or mentors and learn about the different and exciting work going on across the agency.
  • Graduate stories
One of the best parts is getting to speak to very senior yet down to earth professionals that are willing to take the time and have a conversation with you.

Rayni Ma

  • Day in the life

Reg Oke

Reg Oke is a Product Designer at Canva.
  • Graduate stories
Get involved in absolutely everything that you can on campus – becoming a bit of a yes-person infinitely benefitted my journey through uni.

Rifka Samsudeen

  • Day in the life

Rifka Samsudeen

After lunch, we all head back to the office and got to work! As I mentioned earlier, Wednesday afternoons are meeting-free so you can really push out a bunch of work. For me this week, it was all about progressing some new product artworks that we’ve been working through.
  • Day in the life

Ritika Bhattacharya

At Westpac we work in an agile environment, which means I get to choose a different desk to sit at everyday. It’s a great way to meet different people on the floor.
  • Graduate stories


  • Graduate stories
I thoroughly enjoy my role. I work alongside a team of clever individuals and the varied nature of this job means there is always something interesting to do.

Ryan McCourt