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Ramsay Health Care

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Training & Personal Development at Ramsay Health Care

6.5 rating for Training, based on 88 reviews
Please describe the training programmes at your company and tell us what skills you've picked up.
As a grad on the wards, I felt like I was just another worker. Not a lot of additional training was provided. PACU is a very supported environment, training is more one on one and specific. Every staff member in this environment is helpful with educating you.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Nov 2023
We have competencies which normally our CNs will do with us when required. There is no formal training offered that I am aware of
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Nov 2023
Primarily informal, not many in services to hone skills.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
Admin of IV meds IVC insertion IDC insertion Removal or drains CVAD dressings, bleeds, removals POC needle insertion Bladder scans, TOV Heparin infusion Extravasation for chemo Diabetes management Hypertension care Prostate ca - in-service Insulin infusion NG feeds, med admin., aspiration, removal RIG feeds, dressing, med admin.
Grade 2 EN, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
Our workplace has a lot of education sessions. They are awesome and our teachers have so much knowledge. We lack hands on training in the ward due to the busyness of work and lack of opportunity to share knowledge
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 07 Nov 2023
All my training has been on the job with a preceptor. I've also had lots of opportunities to do further training to improve my skills.
Graduate, Albury - 07 Nov 2023
Both formal and informal training have a massive room for improvement. Mandatory training online are educational and informative but hands-on mandatory training is poor
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Nov 2023
Basic nursing skills such as IV cannulation. Catheter insertion, medication administration etc
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Nov 2023
The graduate program has study days, honestly, I did not gain anything from these days. They were long and over done. The content could have been covered in less than half a day. On the job training is good for those wanting to learn. Opportunities can at times be difficult to come by and at other times, the ward is too busy to allow you time to learn a new skill or complete a competency.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Nov 2023
I have been able to achieve ALS training, and will be doing my paediatric ALS training soon. I have been enrolled in a graduate certificate through UTAS which has helped me consolidate skills in cardiac and respiratory critical care. As there is only one educator at the hospital, finding time to work with them inside and outside work hours is a bit difficult.
Graduate, Albury - 05 Nov 2023
Formal training feels inadequate but they have short staff and on some wards the educators aren't familiar with the ward and can't provide education tailored to that area.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Nov 2023
I was given 2 supernumery days, and then 3 patients by myself on day 3, and then 5 patients by day 4. The educator was almost never available to help, and other nurses tried as they were able. There was absolutely no support at all. I felt like I got thrown into the fire. It was really terrible.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Nov 2023
I think the graduate program was completely pointless. I learnt all of my skills and experience from working on the floor. The graduate program hosted online "graduate days" which were completely irrelevant to my role as a nurse and included irrelevant topics such as managing mental health and conflict resolution. People skills and common sense topics. There has been not a single in house training day and i haven't had any opportunities to further my education and practical skills as a nurse.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
The graduate program is inferior, but I've learned a lot from my fellow nurses.
Graduate, Cairns - 03 Nov 2023
I don't feel I had a lot of training for a graduate. I believe more is needed to better prepare and education throughout more so at the start.
Graduate, Ipswich - 03 Nov 2023
There are plenty of training offered by my company, such training as SDL, e-learning online training. There's also on job training which occurs whilst on shift such as discharge process to be reported on government computer as well as medication administration
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
I have picked up a lot of PACU training and airway management
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
I do find it hard to get to the training days.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
The induction process was really thorough when we first started and well supported for the first year. I have had the opportunity to do external training and received study leave for this.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
We attended workshops within my workplace that allowed us to reinforce our clinical skills and even gain some new skills to use on the ward, e.g., BD intima insertion. Other skills include, programming and managing Baxter pumps, Nikki pumps and PCAs.
Graduate, Nambour - 03 Nov 2023