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Ramsay Health Care

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Ramsay Health Care

7.7 rating for Recruitment, based on 88 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Online interview in a group One on one interview Medication calculations The online interview was good compared to the public system who I felt had a woke approach.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Nov 2023
The interview process & assessments were fine. The only issue was the previous intake, multiple staff who had worked within the hospital for many years missed out on grad positions because they were all afforded to QUT students, because we are a feeder hospital so it showed many staff that despite our commitment and service to the hospital, we were not rewarded or acknowledged or considered for new positions.
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Nov 2023
I had a group interview, then short listed to an interview with a panel. An email confirmation was then sent to offer a position.
Grade 2 EN, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
I had to make the initial application then i got to the next stage which was reference checks. Then the interview with my grad coordinator and the NUM of my area.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
Friendly, not intimidating, supportive and open when approached. Some lack of follow-up, needed to get in touch myself for consistent updates on hiring progress.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
It started as a group interview after that there were individual interviews over zoom due to covid.
Graduate, Albury - 07 Nov 2023
Very satisfied and happy. They are well organised
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
Very fair and thorough.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Nov 2023
Online interview
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Nov 2023
It was adequate
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Nov 2023
From what I remember, the interview was via zoom (during Covid) and went alright. I felt like the interviewers were friendly and supportive, and wanted me to succeed. The group interview was a little more difficult/unenjoyable because we weren't in a group setting face to face.
Graduate, Albury - 05 Nov 2023
I was interviewed by a panel of management in a group interview for a new grad position
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Nov 2023
Disorganised, don't communicate well during the process. No updates for almost a month and then when I contacted them they informed me I had already gotten the job and they had not had a chance to inform me yet. May have been a staffing issue that caused the issue. The staff themselves when always very nice.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Nov 2023
The interview was good
Graduate, Ipswich - 03 Nov 2023
There's group interviews which most of the times is intimidating, but one on one interview is always great for me because l feel confident and courageous enough to speak ans sell myself in front the interv
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
Apply online and attend an interview
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
The team were amazing.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
I had no issues with the recruitment process, from memory it was quick and easy.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
The recruitment process was good. It was a calm atmosphere. I was given a scenario and asked how I would approach it. The people doing the interview process would ask about your personal strengths and weaknesses.
Graduate, Nambour - 03 Nov 2023
Easy, I just spoke to the NUM, interviewed and did the necessary paperwork.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
How your friends would describe you. Scenario questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Nov 2023
What is my greatest achievement? What nurse do I look up to? What are my strengths? What is my weakness?
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Nov 2023
Senarios were given that we had to answer how we would respond. How I thought I could work the hours with having a family. How would I respond to a pt that was aggitated. Why did I chose the graduate program.
Grade 2 EN, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
well from what i remember of that it was thungs like what job had i had proir to maing my application. was i planning on continuing my study to be an rn etc
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
Primarily questions based on my core values as well as how I would react given certain situations.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
Questions about myself and about my knowledge on healthcare and the what I hope to achieve as a graduate nurse with Ramsay.
Graduate, Albury - 07 Nov 2023
Relevant to my work experience
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
My strengths and weaknesses, my SMART goals.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Nov 2023
What's my work ethic, how well do I work with others, problem solving etc
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Nov 2023
Describe yourself in 3 words. What area of nursing are you interested in? I can't remember the other questions.
Graduate, Albury - 05 Nov 2023
The usual, situational examples
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Nov 2023
What I wanted to do. Scenario based questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Nov 2023
What I do in a scenario? Why I wanted the graduate program?
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
Questions related to how we'd handle scenarios in theatre and in the 1:1 interview it was more personal questions getting to know us.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
Scenario based, what goals I had
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023
For example, you have three patients, it is 0800, one patient has CCF and needs a daily weigh, one is a diabetic and needs their BGL checked prior to breakfast, and one patient has a surgical procedure to attend at 0830. The questions included what order would you would approach these tasks.
Graduate, Nambour - 03 Nov 2023
What made me apply for the position, with different scenarios and how l would handle incidents relating to patients with mental illness,
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
Questions relative to my role as a nurse.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
Signs and symptoms related to identifying and treating a possible DVT which is what we are constantly looking to prevent.
Graduate, Cairns - 03 Nov 2023
Clinical questions, why I chose the hospital.
Graduate, Ipswich - 03 Nov 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
General preparation.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Nov 2023
I usually just tell them that the group interview is a case study, normally surgical and think about what you would do for a deteriorating surgical patients. 1:1 interviews, I tell them the questions I was asked and think about what your answers to those questions would be.
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Nov 2023
Remember your CORE values of nursing as well as ensure you understand what to prioritise in emergency scenarios.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
I would simply say be yourself and treat every opportunity you get to ask questions as an opportunity to show your intrest.
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
Be good at time management. Be okay to say yes to overtime or changing your shift. Be a team player.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 07 Nov 2023
Know the company and its values
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Nov 2023
To be their own self and to be truthful
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
Be clear on their goals for the next 5 years.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Nov 2023
Practice having an interview with yourself or someone else. Remember that while you are presenting yourself in a professional manner, you can also show your personality, just be friendly. And have some questions up your sleeve to ask at the end.
Graduate, Albury - 05 Nov 2023
Be honest
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Nov 2023
Yeah, brace yourself
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Nov 2023
Make sure to sleep early night before the interviews, Just be confident in themselves ready to answer any questions, believe in themselves, and maintain a positive attitude.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
Research the organisation and hospital you are applying for. Know their values
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
Know about pain management and DVT symptoms.
Graduate, Cairns - 03 Nov 2023
Be flexible and don't have your heart set on a certain ward as you may enjoy a different one on rotation or not be able to stay there
Graduate, Ipswich - 03 Nov 2023
Learning which wards are which.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
Address the selection criteria in the cover letter and have a good understanding of the Ramsay way and how'd you show this in your work.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
Practice reflection based answers
Graduate, Melbourne - 03 Nov 2023
Stay up to date with the knowledge you have gained through your studies. Mentally prepare yourself and disregard any feelings of self-doubt.
Graduate, Nambour - 03 Nov 2023
When you are just starting in a new speciality come to work 30 mins early to learn about your patients and there surgeries / diagnoses. Get your plan sorted ?rst. Ask that question you're unsure about, don't keep it in. If you are worried about someone or something escalate and document. Any abuse that has occurred to you during work hours document with the date, and be speci?c. If you are sick, you're sick don't push yourself too hard. Don't get caught up in work gossip, if you hear people talking behind each other's backs walk away. or if you are sucked into the conversation remain neutral. If another nurse asks for help and you are free, give it to them, they will remember that for the next time, you need help.
Graduate, Brisbane - 02 Nov 2023