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Ramsay Health Care

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at Ramsay Health Care

7.5 rating for Management, based on 88 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Yes, absolutely approachable and constructive feedback.
Graduate, Melbourne - 13 Nov 2023
My NUM is amazing. She is encouraging and supportive to all the staff and makes sure that we are ok. She is approachable and accomodating to staff request. She does not tolerate bullying or poor treatment of newer staff. My NUM rebuilt my confidence from the trauma I experienced from my first ward and does nothing but build me up and praise me at how well I do my job. Other NUMs could learn from her. I have had other NUMs since I have been at this hospital. My first one was part of the ward clique and was aware I was being bullied and treated unfairly. He encouraged us to not go to HR to complain and instead let him deal with it in-house, which he never did. He also advised me when I missed out on my first grad position I applied for that it was because he sabotaged me and he planned on doing it again for my new application. I ended up leaving that ward with severe PTSD.
Graduate, Brisbane - 10 Nov 2023
Incredible manager that I work for, can't speak on the other 2 on site.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
Ward NUM is fabulous however, we rarely see or hear from company management other than a communal newsletter
Grade 2 EN, Brisbane - 09 Nov 2023
I like my manager. Always very quick to assist with personal requests if need be. Most times very unaccessable, not easy to approach. Does not communicate via email though.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 07 Nov 2023
The management I have worked under have always been easy to reach and extremely supportive through my time here. I've never once felt like I've not been supported enough.
Graduate, Albury - 07 Nov 2023
My managers are amazing. They assist me when I need their help and they are very approachable
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Nov 2023
Sadly, my current manager is condescending and not at all approachable. Not to everyone as she is caring and loving to her regular staffs. Probably just with grads like me. I have to muster enough strength and confidence to come up to her for anything. But I always end up feeling small after the conversation. No praise or recognition on good performance, just correction and reprimands when making a mistake. My stress level is consistently high everytime I work and she is around for fear of being humiliated in public, as she tends to always call my attention in public, for everyone to hear.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Nov 2023
Graduate, Brisbane - 06 Nov 2023
Some managers are accessible. Others are completely unapproachable and do not communicate effectively.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Nov 2023
I have very little to do with my manager. I have brief encounters most days and they are pleasant, nothing to discuss really. I have yet to have a performance review, the form was completed but nothing more has happened. I get no praise or recognition for my work from my manager, I wouldn't know if they are happy with my performance or not. When I am on a ward, the staff usually thank me for helping them and ask if I would like to stay so I take that as being a positive.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Nov 2023
My NUM is lovely and does her best to meet our needs and make time for us. She's always approachable and friendly. She is supportive and provides good feedback when asked.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Nov 2023
Very accessible, they offer greets advice and check in frequently and they communicate excellently.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Nov 2023
My Nursing manager is fantastic but some who are thankfully gone now were prone to favoritism and allowed workplace bullying.
Graduate, Cairns - 03 Nov 2023
My NUM is very accessible but not other management I don't think
Graduate, Ipswich - 03 Nov 2023
Their doors ever open to all staff members, they check the floor from time to time asking if help is needed. They're good mentors who shows personal interest in all team members.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
The facilitators are amazing and great mentors, some of the NUMs I don't feel comfortable talking to because they don't make themselves approachable.
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023
The managers in the department themselves are quite supportive but have also seen and experienced a lack of support from management higher up and seen how dismissive they are of problems affecting us in our day to day work.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
The managers are widely available and always happy to help. They are very approachable and make the appraisal process very comfortable and informative.
Graduate, Nambour - 03 Nov 2023
My manager is incredible. She's so lovely and approachable and always tries her best to help you
Graduate, Brisbane - 03 Nov 2023