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Ramsay Health Care

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Diversity at Ramsay Health Care

7.8 rating for Diversity, based on 88 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Doesn't seem like it's been addressed in my time here, not that they discriminate but I don't think they go out of their way to be openly accepting.
Graduate, Sydney - 09 Nov 2023
Our workplace is diverse. It accepts all people. Not every employee is diversely accepting, but the general workplace culture is amazing.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 07 Nov 2023
Equal opportunity
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Nov 2023
We have a high number of internationally born nurses but I think that is more to do with needing staff rather than being diverse.
Graduate, Brisbane - 05 Nov 2023
Our hospital has a diverse mix of people from all nationalities, religions, sexual orientations and so on. I can't speak for the recruitment/retention stuff or childcare and maternity. THey don't apply to me and I have no knowledge of those things.
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Nov 2023
Our ward is very open to LGBTIQA unsure on the overall company. No child care offered
Graduate, Ipswich - 03 Nov 2023
We have a massive retention problem. Most staff start with Ramsay and then move to the Public hospital once an opportunity arises.
Graduate, Cairns - 03 Nov 2023
We have a lot of women in the workplace and I haven't seen or experienced any discrimination, sexism or racism. I haven't seen any outward support unprovoked.
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
They welcome different nationality and any one can be promoted. Reasonable maternity leave for expectant parents those employed for more than 12 months
Graduate, Perth - 03 Nov 2023
My workplace is very respectful and open when in comes to diversity. I have experienced no issues regarding this area nor have I seen anything that would be a cause for concern. My workplace provides online learning modules to educate staff about sexism, ethnic minorities and the LGBTIQA+ community.
Graduate, Nambour - 03 Nov 2023
Everyone is quite inlusive, have had no issues as of yet.
Graduate, Brisbane - 02 Nov 2023
Seems fine, I don't know much about this area but nursing is a female dominated industry so it is expected that women far outnumber men.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Nov 2023
Diversity is great provided they are still hiring the BEST candidates for any given role. The whole "diversity, equity, inclusion" mantra is a recipe for mediocrity and failure unless we continue hiring the best people for the roles. To date, this has not been happening in order to meet arbitrary "targets". It's madness and a cancer on our society.
Graduate, Wollongong - 01 Nov 2023
I'm not in a position to make an informed comment.
Graduate, Perth - 01 Nov 2023
Very good, personally for me I have a young family and have never had an issue taking leave to look after them, leaving work early due to children needs (sickness, appointments ect)
Graduate, Gold Coast - 01 Nov 2023
I have no idea, I do know that we get a lot of diversity within the staffing so I wouldn't think that's an issue in my area. We don't really have any promotion opportunities or child care. We only get standard maternity leave to my knowledge.
Graduate, Perth - 01 Nov 2023
In my team of 15 there are only 3 men. There are individuals from all kinds of cultural backgrounds in the team as well. Images that are included in presentations are also reviewed to ensure that they include men and women, as well as people with different backgrounds. Age within the team ranges highly too.
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Nov 2023
I have no real information on this but there appears to be significant multiculturalism and women in the workforce. Those returning from maternity leave appear to be well looked after - not relevant for me however.
Graduate, Sydney - 01 Nov 2023
Staff come from a range of cultural backgrounds and sexual orientations. Some staff who have young children have flexible work agreements and can come to work once before-school care opens.
Graduate, Brisbane - 31 Oct 2023
Heaps of diversity
Graduate, Brisbane - 31 Oct 2023
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?