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Mars Australia

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Application Process & Interviews at Mars Australia

8.0 rating for Recruitment, based on 7 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
There were several stages: initial application, metric testing, video interview, group interview, final interview.
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Apr 2022
Lengthy interview process. Nice team who you can reach out to for support.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Apr 2022
1. Initial Online Application 2. Online Assessments - Numerical, Literacy etc. 3. Additional Online Assessments - Decision making skills and online pre-recorded interview 4. Assessment Centre including group interview with 5 others and 15 minute individual presentation and interview 5. Individual hour long interview 6. Medical and Fitness tests
Graduate, Central Coast - 14 Apr 2022
Online assessments (verbal, numerical and logical reasoning). Behavioural assessment and video interview. Virtual assessment centre. Final interview.
Graduate, Wodonga - 06 Apr 2022
Upon applying, I was required to complete an online assessment, these were generic and used by many companies. After this stage I completed a pre-recorded interview alongside a behavioural assessment. I was then invited to complete a group interview and after this a final individual interview.
Graduate, Ballarat - 06 Apr 2022
1. Application - Resume, references 2. Cognitive testing - numerical, verbal, logical 3. Rapid response questions - tests instinctual response under pressure 4. group interviews - Team based decision making 5. Long-form interview with senior leaders - An opportunity to showcase some of your experience and personality to the leaders of the business.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Apr 2022
Interview process was simple and less stressful compared to any other interview process I've gone through. Assessments were fair and relatively simple which also helped to relax myself throughout the entire process
Graduate, Wodonga - 06 Apr 2022
In the virtual assessment day - we started with a group activity where each team had to collaborate to form/create a new initiative for the business based on one of the five principles. Following on was the individual interview, in which each candidate had a pre-prepared presentation on recommending a 6th Principle. Throughout the day, there were informal chats with past graduates and other candidates - allowing us to get to know the business and the overall the company culture/vibes!
Graduate, Ballarat - 06 Apr 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Why do you want to work for Mars? Which principle do you most align with? What's your favorited Mars product?
Graduate, Central Coast - 14 Apr 2022
I was asked what my motivations were and how I saw my career progressing over the next 5 years. I was also asked about my experience and how I handled myself in different situations that I may have faced.
Graduate, Wodonga - 06 Apr 2022
In the group interview, we had to design a solution to help employees when coming back to work on site after the pandemic. I can't remember specific questions unfortunately but I had to make an individual presentation on creating a "6th principle" for the Mars company. I was then asked STAR style questions in both the assessment centre and final interview about how I deal with change, meeting deadlines and problem solving etc. I was also asked about my passion for food and sustainability which was specific to the role.
Graduate, Ballarat - 06 Apr 2022
Can't remember now exactly, but mostly behavioural based questions. I.e. give an example of a time when... Which focused on working in teams, overcoming conflict, showing initiative, problem solving, greatest achievement and so on.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Apr 2022
Why I wanted to work at Mars/Where I saw myself within and outside of the company in the next 5 years (unable to remember others)
Graduate, Wodonga - 06 Apr 2022
When have you experience difficulty/uncertainty? Please introduce yourself (was asked this a lot)
Graduate, Ballarat - 06 Apr 2022
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Mars is a company that is very focused on being present and communicating with other not only at a workplace level but also at a more personal level.
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Apr 2022
Be yourself, open and honest.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Apr 2022
I would say to be yourself and be genuine. In the assessment centre I was the youngest there and probably the least qualified for the specifics of the role... I have a medical science degree and was interviewing with chemical engineers for a packaging development role, however I think I was able to connect emotionally with the interviewers and show that I had a genuine interest and passion for the industry and that I wanted this job and to work for this company specifically, rather than just interviewing for the sake of getting a grad job. I would suggest learning as much as you can about the company, especially any projects that the hiring managers could have been involved in personally as this gave me a lot of discussion points and almost made the process seem more familiar.
Graduate, Central Coast - 14 Apr 2022
I found that spending time to reflect upon your experiences (work, university, extracurriculars) and come up with a few stories/scenarios that you could draw upon from these can be useful. I also looked up some practice interview questions and spend time going through answering these so I was less nervous in my actual interview.
Graduate, Wodonga - 06 Apr 2022
Be honest and open, ask lots of questions of them to make sure the role is right for you. Gain an understanding of how they are going to support you through your first 6 months but also into your first 5 years
Graduate, Ballarat - 06 Apr 2022
1. Be able to talk about yourself comfortably. Practice going through your background in a conversational way. The people interviewing you are likely those you will work with so the more open and yourself you can be the better. 2. Be open to change. This industry moves incredibly fast and it isn't uncommon for roles, managers and job descriptions to change. 3. Own your development. Be clear on what you want from the company. A job interview allows you to interview the company as much as they interview you. Learn about the company and really ask yourself whether you they are a good fit for the person you want to become.
Graduate, Melbourne - 06 Apr 2022
The company wants you to be yourself and it's important to reflect on that throughout the entire application process. This is a people-focused company so it's important that they understand who you are as a true person in order to assess whether you would make a good fit within the culture of the company
Graduate, Wodonga - 06 Apr 2022
Be yourself! But with skill. Come into the interview as your authentic self and give it your best. And just, relax.
Graduate, Ballarat - 06 Apr 2022