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Application Process & Interviews at Landgate

8.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 6 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
The application process was thorough and I enjoyed that the graduate coordinator would often provide updates in relation to my application progress. As I was an interstate applicant, I conducted my interview via Skype.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jun 2020
The interview process was fairly straight forward. It was an application and a one page cover letter detailing why you're suitable and why you chose the role/organisation. Afterwards we were told to do a personality test. If you were selected you would go on to do an assessment centre. The assessment centre included a group activity in the first half of the day and an interview in the afternoon.
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
I firstl applied through Grad Connect. We had to send in our resume as well as write a page as to why we would be interested in working somewhere like Landgate. A few weeks following our application, I received an email stating that I had gotten into the next round which required answering a collection of questions about ourselves. A couple of weeks later or so, I received an email saying I was invited to take part in the assessment centre. Following that we were required to do a psychometric test. A couple of weeks later I received a call saying I got the job.
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
I had to fill out and submit a bunch of paperwork. Identification etc. - I had to fill out and submit an online personality assessment. - I undertook the Revelian online assessment. - I went for a face-to-face interview at Landgate and undertook some group activities there. - I got a phone call saying I did not get the advertised role. - I got another phone call saying I got another role. - I celebrated.
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
I had to participate in an Assessment Day which was comprised of two group activities and an individual interview. There were around 10 of us present at the assessment day.
Graduate, Perth - 10 May 2019
I applied under the Indigenous specific job ad for graduates with Landgate, I was instructed to complete a cover letter and attach my CV.
Graduate, Perth - 09 May 2019
No assessments. Interview done with a panel of 2 people. Very fluid and open and had a lot of good feelings both during and after the interview process. Very welcoming.
Experienced, Midland - 09 May 2019
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
I was asked a number of questions in relation to my teamwork and leadership, what my biggest weakness was, what I struggle with in a workplace, why I am passionate about working at Landgate etc.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jun 2020
The questions were generally based on the STAR method. They were based around situations where you faced a certain task/difficulty etc. The questions also dive into identifying how much you know the organisation and why you're applying for the graduate program/graduate role.
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
Describe your strengths' 'Describe your weaknesses' 'Describe a time where you took leadership in the workplace'
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
From memory, I was asked t four questions, three of which were situational type questions where you had to draw on your past experiences to answer them. I can only recall two of the questions: 1. What can you tell us about the organisation? 2. Describe a time where you felt pressured to do something that was against your values and how you responded?
Graduate, Perth - 10 May 2019
Have I worked on projects before? Open ended questions on how I solve problems and work with others We spoke about my work experience and work history.
Graduate, Perth - 09 May 2019
Opened ended questions which allowed you to express your views.
Experienced, Midland - 09 May 2019
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
I would recommend coming in to your interview and application process with an open mind. Throughout my Landgate experience so far, I have worked in areas of the business I would never have seen myself working in. Every experience is a learning experience, so I think coming in with a mindset of wanting to learn and take on new challenges will allow you to get the most out of your time here.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jun 2020
I would recommend that they familiarise themselves with the organisation, what it does, it's roles and responsibilities. I think one thing that helped me was looking through the past annual reports. I would also recommend getting in contact with the person responsible for advertising the position.
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
The assessment centre wasn't too formal. I'd say just be yourself and there is no need to be stressed.
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
Do some 'recon' about Landgate. Get some info about how people work there and see whether it suits you or not. Other things to note: - Things are quite slow-paced at Landgate. If you're someone who loves fast paced action, this may not be a good place to work. If you're someone who loves taking your time and having it easy, this is heaven for you. - Always have good attitude and bring a good vibe to the department. Be enthusiastic and show people you are happy to work with them.
Graduate, Perth - 10 Jun 2020
I am a huge stress head, and I was very anxious before the assessment day. My best advice is to not stress too much about it. The interview was one of the better one's I have attended, the interviewers were very friendly. I recommend reading the corporate website and the annual report so that you have a good understanding, or at least some knowledge of what the organisation does. You will be able to answer the situational questions by drawing on your previous work experience or experiences from university. As for the group activities at the assessment centre, you cannot prepare for these. The important thing to remember is that the assessors are looking to see how you interact with others in a team environment. So it's important to remember to be respectful of others and their opinions, not talk over people, to be as cooperative as you can, and to demonstrate that you are a good team player.
Graduate, Perth - 10 May 2019
Do what you can to really learn and understand what Landgate does, make sure your CV and cover letter stands out and speaks to your strengths, and try to go in with a clear mind.
Graduate, Perth - 09 May 2019
Read Landgate's mission statement and values and know how this applies to you currently and the potential job you are applying for.
Experienced, Midland - 09 May 2019