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Lander & Rogers

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Lander & Rogers

7.8 rating for Recruitment, based on 9 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
Streamlined interview and online assessment was relatively straight forward
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Jul 2023
We a recorded interview where questions would appear on the screen and we would record out answer. Then we had a morning/afternoon tea where we would meet members of the firm. then have a formal interview with a partner and a member of HR
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Jul 2023
I was required to submit a resume and cover letter, undertake psychometric testing, do a one-way video interview, and then attend an in-person interview with a partner and an HR representative from the firm.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Jul 2023
The interview process involved an application, phone interview, a morning-tea with the current graduates as well as a one-on-one interview with members of HR as well as lawyers. The morning-tea was an enjoyable process which gave you a brief insight from the graduates about each of their rotations, particularly regarding the work they do, the culture of the team and the general experiences as a graduate.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 May 2023
Initial resume and cover letter; psychometric; one way interview; interview with partner and HR
Graduate, Melbourne - 07 May 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Work experience, dealing with challenges, innovation related questions and hobbies
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Jul 2023
We were asked to explain a time where something went wrong and how we managed it. As well as your standard behaviourally questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Jul 2023
I was asked questions regarding my experience, how I have responded to challenges and/or problems in the workplace, how I have innovated, and to describe a recent time when I was kind to someone.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Jul 2023
Questions regarding how you work in team, your views on team culture, previous experiences, any past mistakes, any past experimentation with innovation, general interests (what 3 things in your life are you currently grateful for)
Graduate, Sydney - 07 May 2023
Why the firm? Why an Australian firm?
Graduate, Melbourne - 07 May 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Prepare responses to behavioural and situational questions
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Jul 2023
Really try and understand what the firm is about. I would try and reach out to current grads through LinkedIn and show your interest that way. Draw from real experiences when answering questions, rather than from what you think is the right answer. It shows a good attitude which I think is 90% of getting any job. Partners and HR can read through a scripted answer.
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Jul 2023
Be yourself and think about what makes you unique (they really care about you as a person, not just your qualifications).
Graduate, Sydney - 05 Jul 2023
Just be genuine and authentic!
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Jul 2023
Be natural - don't sound rehearsed about your knowledge of the firm - it doesn't generally come off However, definitely do a little bit of research regarding the practice areas your interested in and any work the firm has done which had previously tickled your interest
Graduate, Sydney - 07 May 2023
Know why you want to work there and be genuine.
Graduate, Melbourne - 07 May 2023