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  • 100 - 500 employees

Job Satisfaction at KordaMentha

8.4 rating for Job Satisfaction, based on 23 reviews
Please comment on your role and day-to-day responsibilities.
I am a business analyst and I interact with creditors and external stakeholders, my role varies with the job - if I was doing employee-related work I would be calculating employee entitlements, if I was doing operation-related work, I would be inetracting with suppliers and organising trading.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Feb 2021
Analyst on jobs such as a large trading receivership and VA, working through operations and statutory tasks
Graduate, Brisbane - 11 Feb 2021
Day to day management of jobs
Midlevel, Sydney - 11 Feb 2021
Running business sales processes, involved in business trading, report writing, assisting during buy-side roles.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Feb 2021
Accounts payable (and sometimes receivable), creditor correspondence, investigation of financial statements/transactions, ATO correspondence.
Graduate, Townsville - 11 Feb 2021
While there are some repetitive tasks, the majority of the work is fast paced and interesting. Day to day is hard to define as each project is so different. The ability to work closely with highly experienced partners is great for personal development.
Graduate, Sydney - 02 Feb 2021
Investigation into computers, mobile phones and other technologies and extracting relevant information.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Jan 2021
It is VERY easy to take on more responsibility should you choose to do so. Just don't bite off more than you can chew.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 29 Jan 2021
statutory & administrative, simple accounting such as processing receipts and payments, assist more senior staff in more complex models
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jan 2021
I complete various tasks on different jobs. No job or day is ever the same, it is constantly changing and you have to be adaptable.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jan 2021
Billing, closing out jobs, general trading and managing insol and managing statutory requirements for my jobs such as BAS' and 5603's
Midlevel, Melbourne - 28 Jan 2021
Every day is different and depends on what engagement and what projects you are specifically working on.
Midlevel, Melbourne - 11 Dec 2020
Sometimes long and repetitive but the overall projects are interesting
Graduate, Brisbane - 09 Dec 2020
Responsible for a number of statutory tasks on engagements, responsible for contacting and communicating with creditors on engagements
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Dec 2020
COVID has severely reduce the amount of work coming in.
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Dec 2020
My role often consists of administrative duties, being receipts and payments, ASIC lodgments, ATO lodgments, but also research work including tearsheets and memos, updates regarding private companies' and ASX-listed companies' financials.
Graduate, Brisbane - 12 Jul 2020
My role in the majority of my jobs is trading, and ASIC and ATO compliance. I work with suppliers and clients a lot, ensuring daily operation run smoothly, and also prepare and lodge ASIC and ATO reports.
Graduate, Perth - 12 Jul 2020
Day-to-day responsibilities as a business analyst include, but are not limited to: - administrative tasks for engagements (eg. invoicing, job set-ups). - performing quality assurance checks on engagements. - performing any relevant tasks/analysis for engagements. - drafting deliverables for engagements.
Intern, Melbourne - 12 Jul 2020