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  • 100 - 500 employees

Caitlin Jameson

Be prepared for the interview process. First impressions are super important and a little bit of preparation will go a long way to make you feel confident and bring your best self on the day.

Where did you grow up?

I was born in London, U.K., however, spent most of my childhood in Sydney, Australia and haven’t thought about leaving since!

How did you get to your current job position?

I started as a Business Analyst in February 2022 after finishing up at the University of Sydney, where I studied Neuroscience and History. I have always loved problem-solving and working in a team, so was looking for a role that married the two. This is what led me to consult Kearney.

What was your interview process like? 

The application process involved two rounds of interviews, both virtual and face-to-face. These were a mix of behavioural and case interviews to get to know you as a person and understand the way that you think. The case interviews were particularly exciting and strayed away from traditional market sizing and profitability cases towards solve complex, real-world problems.

What does your employer do?

Global management consultancy firm.

Can you describe a typical workday? 

As a Business Analyst, no two days ever look the same! Usually, they involve a mix of client meetings, problem-solving sessions, analytics and translating your work into digestible formats.

Could someone with a different background do your job?

Absolutely! You can become a consultant with any background. Kearney values that people with different degrees and work experience bring unique points of view to the table and will often challenge our thinking.

What do you love the most about your job? 

I love that my job is challenging, allowing me to always be learning and complete tasks that are outside of my comfort zone. I also love its dynamic nature – like I said, no two days are ever the same and this keeps me on my toes!

What’s the biggest limitation of your job?

Generally, consulting is renowned for having longer hours as the nature of the job involves solving complex problems and navigating rapidly changing situations. The people at Kearney, however, are extremely work-life balanced focussed meaning that I have never personally found this to be a limitation!

Which three pieces of advice would you give to a current university student?

  1. Don’t worry if you don’t know what you want to do – no one does!
  2. Don’t be afraid to try different careers, and move roles if you find that it isn’t for you
  3. Be prepared for the interview process. First impressions are super important and a little bit of preparation will go a long way to make you feel confident and bring your best self on the day.