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Essential Energy

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Application Process & Interviews at Essential Energy

7.6 rating for Recruitment, based on 11 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
I filled out an electronic form on EE's website with all my certifications etc. I then did a math questionnaire. I did a basic interview, then a graduation introduction week, then a second interview then I was offered a position as a graduate.
Graduate, Bonny Hills - 13 Mar 2023
Completed application, completed an online assessment, completed a zoom interview, completed an assessment day online
Graduate, Tamworth - 13 Mar 2023
There were a couple of initial interviews that were conducted virtually, then there was a full day (8 hours) of interviews, activities, and assessments in person. A few weeks after this job offers were sent out.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 13 Mar 2023
Very well organised and communicated recruitment activities. Initial application/numeric test followed up with remote interview with relevant managers. This is followed up with an assessment centre day that includes a number of group activities and interviews with relevant managers.
Graduate, Ipswich - 11 Mar 2023
Had a one-on-one virtual interview to begin with, then another virtual interview but this time with a group
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Mar 2023
I went through an online application, numeracy test, online interview and an in person day. The in-person day was awesome, they made me want to work here by showing the good things EE had to offer, they gave us a tour of the depot and showed why EE was a great place to work.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 06 Mar 2023
1. Online application and assessment 2. Online 1 on 1 interview 3. Assessment Day
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Mar 2023
individual virtual interview, followed by group interview with an activity to test communication and teamwork skills
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 May 2022
1. online application and numerical assessment 2. Zoom interview 3. Assessment Day - involved several interviews, a teamwork activity, virtual tour of the depot, talks by senior leadership
Graduate, Sydney - 18 May 2022
Initial one-on-one interview, then invited to assessment day where you take part in a group assessment and then another one-on-one interview
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 16 May 2022
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
I was asked to do a math examination as part of the recruiting process. I was then asked technical questions about what IT equipment I play with after hours, how I find video gaming interesting, What field I look to go into in the next 5 years, where I see myself in the next 5 years, How do you interact with a hard colleague etc.
Graduate, Bonny Hills - 13 Mar 2023
Why do you want to work for Essential Energy? Scenario based problem solving
Graduate, Tamworth - 13 Mar 2023
Questions about my work experience, education, how I would deal with various workplace situations, and then questions more focused around the job role that I was going for (in my case these were cyber security related questions).
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 13 Mar 2023
Questions about software projects that I have worked on for university and in spare time. Technology questions and past working experience. Situational judgement and soft skills questions were also asked.
Graduate, Ipswich - 11 Mar 2023
Consider a time when you a had difficult problem to solve and how did you come up with the solution?
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Mar 2023
The in-person day had 3 sections, 2 group challenges followed by an individual interview. The group challenges were firstly a teamwork challenge, then a finance based challenge. The questions in the interview were very standard, about myself, what the big factors in finance are etc.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 06 Mar 2023
was almost a year ago, but such questions as "describe a time you were faced with a difficult task and how did you solve it?"
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 May 2022
I don't recall them all as it was a while ago but included: - What motivated you to apply? - What do you want to get out of the program?
Graduate, Sydney - 18 May 2022
General soft skills questions e.g.. time management, logical thinking etc.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 16 May 2022
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Have some experience in IT as it will help you answer the Graduate IT questions. Make sure your math is up to scratch as the pre questions do involve this. Ensure you know your IT experiences well like that latest threats, graphics, research Essential Energy and know what is going on so you know what the interview questions may be based on as well as what the company is currently working on. Ensure you have some workplace experience with working with tough or smart IT colleagues. Have some certifications like Cisco CCNA 1 and 2, ACS etc.
Graduate, Bonny Hills - 13 Mar 2023
Be yourself, ask questions, get involved in the scenarios
Graduate, Tamworth - 13 Mar 2023
Don't just focus on your technical knowledge, make sure to practice employing your soft skills (i.e. teamwork, presenting, communicating, etc).
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 13 Mar 2023
For technical roles, ensure you can demonstrate true interest in the role by being able to talk about your own personal passion projects ie. websites or software you have worked on or repositories you have contributed to. Also, make sure your soft skills are up to scratch.
Graduate, Ipswich - 11 Mar 2023
Learn what your company does and ask questions that relate to the business and how it operates
Graduate, Brisbane - 07 Mar 2023
Prepare some answers to basic interview questions, think creatively and try to use the STAR method when answering questions about situations.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 06 Mar 2023
show interest in the company, ask questions about their practices
Graduate, Brisbane - 19 May 2022
Have a read of the company values and consider if you would fit into the company culture. Displaying the soft skills you have in a professional environment is as important as your technical experiences.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 May 2022
Be yourself. They hire the whole person.
Graduate, Port Macquarie - 16 May 2022