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Application Process & Interviews at CSIRO

8.9 rating for Recruitment, based on 39 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
I was sent the details of the position, including the salary, the expectations, job description etc. I then lodged my application through the CSIRO recruitment website (which is very streamlined. For example, my CV was already there from previous applications, my proof of Aboriginality- preventing people from having to submit forms repeatedly). A few days after I submitted this, I was sent an email which listed possible times for interviews, which is when I selected a time best suited to me (interview was online). I went through the interview, and then got into the second round, which followed the same select-a-time process, and we discussed logistics and technicalities. Finally, I was told I was successful, and then the introduction stage occurred, where I was inducted, trained, met my team etc.
Graduate, Wollongong - 16 Nov 2023
There were several phases of recruitment including an assessment. I was invited to two online interviews.
Graduate, Newcastle - 01 Nov 2023
I feel that the interview process was very relaxed, and was more conversational than other interviews I have had previously which had tests or similar. It made it easier for me to talk to the people conducting the interview.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Jan 2022
There was no interview process, it was decided based on my resume alone.
Intern, Canberra - 23 Dec 2021
Had to choose two projects I was interested from a list of projects and then write a 2-page cover letter explaining why I would like to be part of these two projects and what skills I can bring to the projects.
Intern, Brisbane - 20 Dec 2021
A standard interview for interns / vacation students. No assessment was required.
Intern, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2021
Submit a list of preferences for summer projects along with a cover letter and resume.
Intern, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2021
The interview process is quite simple, you first apply with a resume and cover letter and then there is a single 1 hour interview.
Intern, Sydney - 17 Dec 2021
fair and without excessive pressure
Graduate, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
Application > shortlisted > interview > a bit of time > reference checks > offer.
Intern, Melbourne - 17 Dec 2021
Online application & online interview. Needed to provide a cover letter outlining why you wanted the role & addressing a couple of prompts. The online interview platform was very easy to use and did not require anything to be downloaded or set up on my end. Super fast at making a decision both for the interview and for the job. Had to provide GPA & grades.
Intern, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
Select your preferences for sectors to interview for. Upload CV and resumes. If offered simple 30 minute one on one interview that's it.
Intern, Sydney - 17 Dec 2021
First round: Send cover letter and resume Second round: Interview
Intern, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
For the vacation program I looked at the projects offered at CSIRO and applied for a couple that interested me. I was contacted after the closure date and CSIRO organised an online interview for myself to attend. The interview was enjoyable and the people interviewing reiterated that they didn't want it to be too formal. It was really a chance to get to know me and for me to get to know the supervisors and more about the project I applied for. A couple weeks later I received a call to say I was successful. The process was very smooth and the application was easy to complete.
Intern, Geelong - 17 Dec 2021
A WebEx interview with my manager and his manager, relatively relaxed.
Intern, Brisbane - 16 Dec 2021
Submitted CV, cover letter describing motivations, relevant experience and future aspirations, and academic transcript, followed by a virtual interview.
Intern, Remote - 09 Dec 2021
The interview process involved an application, a cover letter and an interview to assess my knowledge on relevant concepts for the project. The interview was very professional and conducted well.
Intern, Newcastle - 08 Dec 2021
interview was over zoom, a couple of team leaders were the interviewers
Intern, Sydney - 08 Dec 2021
It was pretty good, I just had an online teams call for the interview which was conducted by my future supervisor. They asked me some questions to gauge how applicable my current skills were to the relevant project.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Dec 2021
Online application followed by an online interview. Assessments were simple, yet allowed me to demonstrate my capacity for problem solving and reasoning.
Intern, Bribane - 08 Dec 2021
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
Tell us a little bit about yourself Why do you want to be a part of this program? What CSIRO values align with you the most? What are your skills and your development areas? Are you willing to relocate?
Graduate, Wollongong - 16 Nov 2023
I can't remember specifically but there were questions on past work experience, knowledge of the company, and motivation to apply.
Graduate, Newcastle - 01 Nov 2023
My interest in the role and the field, what I wanted to do in the future. A question on thought process and the weight of skim milk vs full cream.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Jan 2022
Asked about my previous experience with applications specific to the project. What research I've done in the past.
Intern, Brisbane - 20 Dec 2021
Talk about a challenging project you worked on. What your role was and how you achieved outcomes.
Intern, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2021
What interested me about the project, what I liked to do outside of work, and a technical question about the content of the project.
Intern, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2021
I was asked to describe my honours thesis, research interests and my experience in various techniques related to the project. There were also standard interview questions on collaboration and how you address conflict.
Intern, Sydney - 17 Dec 2021
my skills relative to the task, my passions and ambitions
Graduate, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
How will this role help you in your future career? What are your career aspirations? What statistical skills do you have? What did you study? Where? What did it involve?
Intern, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
What your coding experience? What do you plan to do afterwards (do you want to go into research)?
Intern, Sydney - 17 Dec 2021
Future goals in life/career. I was asked a lot about my past experiences that I had included on my resume.
Intern, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
The questions mostly related to getting to know me; what I do outside of my studies, hobbies I have etc. There were also some questions relating to what I enjoy most in my studies and what I am passionate about.
Intern, Geelong - 17 Dec 2021
Why am I interested in their project? What are my experiences and knowledge in their area? What were my grades like?
Intern, Perth - 16 Dec 2021
My background in the areas I would be working in, details of other projects I've worked on in the past.
Intern, Brisbane - 16 Dec 2021
- What is your understanding of safety? - Can you give a time that you were put in a situation you considered unsafe, and how did you resolve this? - Can you give a time that you had difficulties in a group environment? - Can you give a time that you had a difficult problem that you didn't know how to solve, and how did you resolve it? - What are you passionate about? - Why do you want to take on this project? - What do you want to do for your future career? - Can you give an example of when you had to convince someone of something that they didn't agree with/didn't want to do?
Intern, Melbourne - 10 Dec 2021
Questions included concept questions, such as what is required to connect a solar panel to the grid, and experience questions, such as what safety protocols have I seen previously at other workplaces.
Intern, Newcastle - 08 Dec 2021
a good mix of theory questions and general interview questions, like what are your teamwork skills like?
Intern, Sydney - 08 Dec 2021
What I did for my project in university, had I used certain programming languages and how comfortable I am with them as well as whether I wanted to pursue a career in research.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Dec 2021
General questions of my background. Also of my aspirations for my career and things I want to get out of the job.
Intern, Bribane - 08 Dec 2021
Self introduction, describe my previous work experiences and personal projects, what are the roles and contributions in them.
Intern, Herston - 08 Dec 2021
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
I would advise doing a bit of background research on CSIRO, what they do and how it is structured (slightly different to other government departments). Understand what you can bring to the table in terms of skills which are different to other people- what is unique about you? And just be yourself!
Graduate, Wollongong - 16 Nov 2023
I highly recommend doing so. I recommend researching the company and what kind of work you'd like to be doing, as there is a huge range of projects going on at any one time.
Graduate, Newcastle - 01 Nov 2023
This is more one for successful candidates. Don't be too worried about what your specific project will be and getting started before your first day.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Jan 2022
Have a good resume which relates to the topic you are applying for.
Intern, Canberra - 23 Dec 2021
Select a project you're really interested in. Because if you really want to do it, you'll articulate well in your cover letter why you want to do that particular project.
Intern, Brisbane - 20 Dec 2021
Research the company and industry. Have prior project work that you are proud of to be able to talk through.
Intern, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2021
Have a good understanding of the field in which you are applying.
Intern, Melbourne - 20 Dec 2021
My supervisors constantly lament that applicants never send emails. An email to the supervisor of the role you're applying for is invaluable to establish a personal connection and show you have shared research interests. In my email I also outlined ideas I had for completion of the project.
Intern, Sydney - 17 Dec 2021
have a good understanding of what they want to do, be able to talk about what they are passionate about
Graduate, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
Be clear on your objectives - short term goals, long term goals etc.
Intern, Melbourne - 17 Dec 2021
prepare a list of questions you would like to ask the interviewers about the role/culture/etc.
Intern, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
Make sure to ask questions and be genuinely interested in a career in research.
Intern, Sydney - 17 Dec 2021
I would like to reiterate that employer's (especially for internships) are not looking for someone who can do everything easily. They want someone who may not know it all but has the capacity and willingness to learn new skills during their time with the company.
Intern, Hobart - 17 Dec 2021
Choose a project that really interests you. You can also research the projects online before applying and before the interview to see if there's anymore background information available.
Intern, Geelong - 17 Dec 2021
Be confident and honest in your own abilities and expertise and convey that as best you can.
Intern, Perth - 16 Dec 2021
I would recommend they research the company and the specific project they are applying to work for.
Intern, Perth - 16 Dec 2021
Think about your past experiences, and prepare your answers in the STAR format. Where possible, try to give answers that are relevant to the field you are expecting to be working in, e.g. if being interviewed for a role with programming responsibilities, talk about experiences you've had programming in the past. Try to draw from different areas of experience for your answers where possible to show that you have a variety of qualities that could benefit the organisation.
Intern, Melbourne - 10 Dec 2021
If you are doing a studentship, read up on skills you think you will need for the project you want to do. Don't be afraid to tell your interviewer what you are passionate about.
Intern, Brisbane - 08 Dec 2021
The best way to prepare is to come in with a real passion for the work. Everyone here truly loves what they do and are driven. Just having that drive and interest (and communicating it) make applying and preparing much easier.
Intern, Bribane - 08 Dec 2021
Be honest with the interviewer and truly understand the experiences and projects you have worked on in the past.
Intern, Herston - 08 Dec 2021