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Diversity at Coles

8.5 rating for Diversity, based on 44 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
I don't think I am in much of a position to comment. But from where I'm standing it seems quite good.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Aug 2023
Alot of noise about diversity. Diversity at this company focuses on women, aboriginals and LGBT, it does not include religion.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Aug 2023
There are not many women representatives in my business unit. Ethnic minorities become less prevalent higher up
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Aug 2023
Coles is on the right track into leveling the playing field when it comes to leave and equality. We need to maintain and continue to progress in communicating this out to the rest of the teams to ensure that this is front of mind.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Aug 2023
Child care is the biggest downfall for Coles. For the size and capability of the Coles headquarters, you would think that a daycare would be available within the office.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jul 2023
Coles is focused on conscious inclusion in recruitment, and always seeks to support people based on their needs. I cannot fault them at all in this area.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jul 2023
no issues with diversity
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Jul 2023
the LGBTQ support is amazing. and Respect to the Wurundjeri people.
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Jul 2023
Coles in my experiences promotes and provides diversity through a range of different aspects- however being a large company im not sure how this reaches every Indvidual effectively
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Jul 2023
-Lot's of events for LGBTQTA -Cultural awareness training -NAIDOC Week -Few people work 4 days a week but are still full time
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Jul 2023
I can see that Coles puts a lot of work into making Coles a great place to work for everyone.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Jun 2023
This business has such a diverse culture. Our company slogan is 'Anyone is welcome at our table'. We support the LGBTQI community, people with a disability, we have many employees that have travelled to work at this company. It is a very inclusive community. We have female store managers that work part time in order to be able to continue to provide for their families as well as spend time with them.
Graduate, Melbourne - 23 Jun 2023
Coles has a number of active diversity and inclusion community groups. They support numerous charities and events related to these causes. They've also developed programs for women re-entering the workforce after having career breaks and equitable opportunities for people with disabilities.
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Jun 2023
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
Offer support programmes
Graduate, Melbourne - 22 Aug 2023
The advertisement for the job gave me confidence in applying as I felt that my background was not a concern
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jul 2023
In the recruitment for the grad program, university information is not provided to assessors, preventing any bias relating to the prestige of the university a graduate studied at or their marks, which may have been impacted by their ability to study if they were having to work to support themselves.
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jul 2023
Encourage and welcome
Graduate, Melbourne - 28 Jul 2023
unsure - but they do not discriminate
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Jul 2023
Promote culture
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Jul 2023
Again I know there are program/internships for this the company promotes however not something I see personally.
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Jul 2023
Encourage and welcome
Graduate, Melbourne - 27 Jul 2023